Benefits Of Side Lying Bottle Feeding

baby reaching for bottles of milk

There are many ways to feed your baby and not every way may be right for you or your baby. Today, we are looking at the benefits of side lying bottle feeding and how it may be a good solution for you and your baby. As always, give us a shout out on social media … Read more

3 Benefits To Overnight Newborn Care

night baby sleeping in crib

There are many benefits to investing in overnight newborn care for your child or children, but today we are going to go over the very top ones. If you don’t see your favorite benefit here, make sure to shout it out in the comments or on social media. We would love to hear about your … Read more

What Is The Difference Between Sleep Training And Sleep Learning?

sleeping baby on dad's chest

When you are faced with the proposition of helping your new baby develop healthy and optimal sleep patterns and routines, there are a LOT of options out there. As a new parent, one thing ‘they’ don’t prepare you for is the veritable onslaught of information and opinions from friends, family, and social media that will … Read more

When Do Babies Grow Out Of Needing Contact Naps?

baby in crib no contact nap

As a new parent, one of the most precious yet challenging aspects of early parenthood is ensuring that your child gets enough sleep. A contact nap is a period of sleep in which the child is constantly being held by the parent or caregiver. Contact naps are about the only naps that your child can … Read more

Setting Healthy Boundaries That Are Part Of Attachment Parenting

parents with children

Yes, the attachment parenting philosophy is all about forming strong bonds with your children, but what about times when you need to “detach”? Today, we are going to talk about some of the top ways in which you can set healthy boundaries with your children while also keeping in line with the core values of … Read more

What Is Attachment Parenting And Is It Right For You?

baby and parents

With the rise of social media in our lives, and especially when it comes to parenting advice, it is difficult these days to decipher exactly what is best for you and your child. You may have heard about this unique style of parenting that is gaining a lot of popularity lately both on and off … Read more

4 Reasons Naps Are Harder Than Night Time Sleep

mother trying to put baby to sleep for day nap

To most grownups, a nap sounds like paradise. You get to take a part of your day and sleep for an hour or two so you can wake up recharged and ready to take on the rest of the day at your own pace. For parents though, naps can be a bit of a nightmare … Read more

How To Sleep Train Breastfed Baby

woman breastfeeding baby for sleep training

Sleep training can be a difficult process regardless of how your baby gets their primary source of calories. Whether breastfed or bottle fed, your baby will have a unique set of circumstances and attributes that will determine how you will sleep train them. In today’s article, we’re going over tips and tricks specifically for how … Read more

Nap Trapped? What That Means And What You Can Do About It

sleeping baby on momma during nap

As parents, we of course, love holding our babies. Sometimes, we just can’t get enough of holding those tiny, warm, fidgety and cute bundles of joy, but there are other times where we need to get some things done around the house or take care of our own personal hygiene among other things. Theoretically, this … Read more

4 Reasons Babies Fight Sleep

Your baby is fussy.  It’s past bedtime, and you know she just needs sleep. But she is refusing. And now you, too, are exhausted. It seems like a puzzle your brain doesn’t have enough energy to work through. Here are some common reasons your tired baby will not sleep: Overtiredness Babies, especially in their early … Read more

3 Tips To Help 3 Month Olds With Short Naps And Early Wakes

three month old sleeping on her back in crib

We know: if your baby doesn’t sleep, you don’t sleep.  And sleep is important for everyone. No new mama wants to answer the question, “how’s he/she sleeping?” unless you’re one of the few parents who have one of those miraculous beings who sleep very well, naturally. The sleep-deprived moms definitely don’t want to hear about … Read more

Tips To Help Your Newborn Sleep More Than 30 Minutes On Their Own

newborn sleeping on own

Many of us hear about the horrors of labor. The pain, the pushing, the possibly pooing ourselves in front of practical strangers. But, we don’t always hear about afterwards: learning to breastfeed, getting babies through potential bouts of jaundice, the exhaustion, the vaginal pain, or the pain after the C-section, the hemorrhoids. And mostly: the … Read more

Sleep Needs Based On Age

woman holding newborn trying to help it sleep at night

Babies and toddlers change and develop at such a rapid pace. This means two things: They need a good amount of sleep. Their sleep patterns and needs change rapidly as well. As a parent, you’re likely no stranger to the ever-evolving sleep patterns of babies and toddlers. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code … Read more

Do Contact Naps Before 12 Weeks Start Bad Habits?

baby napping with puppy

As a refresher, contact naps refer to the practice of a baby falling asleep while in physical contact with a caregiver, typically by being held, rocked, or even just being in the same room. This can involve the baby sleeping on the chest, arms, or lap of the caregiver, or even just being close enough … Read more

Velcro Babies

baby and mother cheek to cheek

A strange phenomenon that happens for a lot of us is how mothers, while we’re pregnant, explain the agony of labor. It is labor, after all. But what’s not often described is the agony of the first months, the “fourth trimester,” as it’s sometimes known as. For moms who love their babies dearly, but are … Read more

5 Reasons To Use A Sleep Sack

baby sleeping in a sleep sack

Sleep time is crucial for babies as it plays a significant role in their overall growth, development, and well-being. Ensuring that you are providing the safest sleep environment to help support your baby’s growth and development is extremely important. We highly recommend parents use a sleep sack for their baby to support safe and productive … Read more

Here Is Why Your Baby Is Waking Every 1-2 Hours At Night

baby waking up in crib

Good rest is very important to babies and caregivers alike. While the number one recommendation for new parents is to get enough rest, the number one thing new parents have trouble with is exactly that. Balancing the need for rest with the needs of a baby can seem like an impossible juggling act. This blog … Read more

How to Calm a Crying Newborn in Four Steps

mother holding baby who is crying

One of the biggest challenges parents face can be calming and soothing a crying newborn. Undoubtedly everyone will have suggestions for how to soothe your baby. While there is no one quick answer, there are a few techniques to keep in mind that can help ease your infant. Here is what our team recommends to … Read more

All About Contact Naps

Contact naps refer to the practice of a baby falling asleep while in physical contact with a caregiver, typically by being held, rocked, or even just being in the same room. This can involve the baby sleeping on the chest, arms, or lap of the caregiver, or even just being close enough to feel the … Read more

LO Waking Out Of Habit Or Hunger?

It’s the middle of the night and your baby is crying. Determining whether your baby is waking up out of habit or hunger can be challenging, especially when drowsy yourself! Understanding their sleep patterns and needs can help you make an informed decision. Here are some tips to help you distinguish between habitual vs. hunger-driven … Read more

What is Active Sleep In Newborns?

Active sleep, also known as REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, is a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, increased brain activity, and muscle tone changes. In newborns, active sleep is particularly important for their development. We know active sleep is something parents are curious about, so we put together this blog as a … Read more

What To Do If Your Little One Falls Asleep Unexpectedly In The Car

baby sleeping in car in car seat

For a family working on crib sleep and establishing regular nap times, having your child fall asleep in the car can throw a real wrench in all of a parent’s diligent planning. This blog is focused on how to avoid an early nap in the car, what to do to recover if this happens, and … Read more

How To Keep Your Toddler In Their Bed The Whole Night

toddler sleeping in their bed

You are finally transitioning from crib to bed. Hooray! This is such a big moment and transition for your kiddo. However, your little one may have other plans. Falling asleep in their new bed and STAYING asleep in their new bed are two very different things. If your toddler is creeping into your bed in … Read more

How To Help A Baby Sleep Or Nap While Teething

teething baby using a teether

Your little one has begun the painful process of teething. You may notice that the experience that your baby is having is beginning to affect their precious sleep. This blog is all about the how’s and whys of helping your little one sleep better, while going through teething. Please share with us your experiences in … Read more

How Long Should I Wait To Put My Baby Down To Bed After Their Last Feeding?

baby feeding with bottle before nap

Sleeping and eating. Besides being cute and lovable, those are an infant’s primary occupations. As parents, we have to be on top of ensuring that they get enough sleep and food each day and to optimize the benefit of both, it helps to be able to time everything out correctly. If you feed too close … Read more

How Long Should My 1 Year Old Nap During The Day?

toddler napping on bed

It’s a stunning realization when it happens. It seems like just moments from when you brought your child home from the hospital. Your little tiny newborn is finally 12 months old and isn’t a teeny newborn at all anymore. Over the last 12 months (which can feel like many years) you have honed and perfected … Read more

5 Mistakes That Ruin Baby’s Sleep

newborn baby sleeping peacefully in crib

Sleep. Precious, precious sleep. We want our babies to sleep because it helps them grow and stay healthy and for so many other reasons, but it also helps that the more they sleep the more we (parents) get to sleep. In today’s article, we’re going to help you and your baby with just that: getting … Read more

Rules For Visiting A Baby Every Parent Should Know

grandparents holding baby and reading to it

When your newborn finally arrives, it’s such a magical and special moment. Your family has a new member! You want to shout it from the rooftops or these days, post it on social media. It’s time to have everybody come and visit and hold and give lots of love to your new bundle of joy, … Read more

Is It Ok For A Baby To Poop Every 3+ Days?

mother changing baby at changing table

Newborns are just like adults except smaller and everything is different. All joking aside, there are some very specific things that you should be paying attention to in your newborn as a new parent or parent of a newborn. Aside from how often they eat and sleep, it’s vitally important to be paying attention to … Read more

How To Get More Sleep For Your Family In 2024

a baby celebrating the new year with a hat and sash

Sleep is so valuable to both newborn and parent, yet during those crucial first few weeks and months, it seems that neither gets as much as they want. Well, in today’s blog, we’re going to cover a few ways in which you can get a little more sleep or to maximize the amount of sleep … Read more

Tips For Napping On The Go

baby playing in a suitcase ready for travel

This season is nothing if not full of travel. Whether you’re packing up the car and taking a road trip or you are flying the friendly skies on your favorite airline, traveling with a baby can make everything a little bit more complicated. The good news is that it is very doable and that you … Read more

At What Age Should A Baby Have A Bedtime?

teddy bear tucked into a bed

Sleep. When it comes to a newborn or infant, it can be both a valuable asset and a fond memory for a time long ago when you could go to sleep when you wanted and wake up when you felt like it. Cherish those memories. Hold them dear. Speaking of making your own bedtimes, it … Read more

Holidays With A Newborn: Tips On How To Have Fun, Stay Safe, And Get Some Sleep

cute smiling baby dressed for christmas holiday

Traveling with kids of any age can be a daunting endeavor, but traveling with a newborn or young baby is an Olympic level undertaking to say the least. Yes, the easiest thing to do would be to avoid traveling all together, until the kids are 18 and ready to pick their college, but that isn’t … Read more

Are Short Naps Bad For Babies?

baby dressed in santa costume grumpy

As a parent of a newborn, you’re definitely grateful for any amount of time that your baby is sleeping, however, when your child is sleeping restlessly or sleeping for only 30 to 45 minutes at a time between wake windows, then there may be another issue at hand. Short naps are very common during the … Read more

Optimizing Sleep On Cold Nights

Baby bundled up in the snow

As the nights get longer and colder each year, it’s especially important to take steps to help keep your baby warm and comfortable through the night. This will help with your sanity as well as with the baby’s comfort and overall quality of life! If you’re a parent with a newborn during the fall and … Read more

Swaddle Transitioning Tips For Newborns

Baby swaddled on bed

As a parent, if you are lucky enough to have a baby that takes to a swaddle and is able to sleep in and be comforted by it, then you pretty much view the swaddle as a complete lifesaver. Swaddling a newborn can help keep them asleep longer and help soothe them to sleep faster … Read more

Bed Wetting. Tips For Helping Your Child.

Bedding that has been wetted

Nocturnal enuresis. You may not be familiar with the phrase, but as a parent, you are familiar with its definition: overnight bed-wetting which is the involuntary release of urine while sleeping. If you’re an adult and you’re experiencing frequent nocturnal enuresis, then you should probably consult your physician, but if your child is experiencing it, … Read more

First Foods. When And How To Start Feeding Your Infant Solid Foods

baby surrounded by vegetables and other great first foods

There’s a lot of different opinions out there concerning the best times to introduce your baby to solid (non-breastmilk) foods. We’d like to take some time today to give our thoughts and recommend some tips and best practices to help you best onboard your little one to the world of solid foods. There’s a lot … Read more

Thoughts On Co-Sleeping

co sleeping parents and child in bed

We’re definitely not trying to kick up a dust cloud by bringing up a topic that can be seen as controversial to some. We just wanted to share our thoughts and recommendations on this subject and to hear your thoughts and views as well. This is definitely a topic that is ripe for discussion and … Read more

Are Weighted Sleep Sacks A Good Choice For My Baby?

swaddled baby sleeping

Weighted sleep sacks for babies are a topic of some debate among experts. Weighted blankets and products have gained popularity for their potential to provide a sense of comfort and relaxation, particularly for individuals with sensory processing disorders or anxiety. However, when it comes to using weighted sleep sacks for babies, safety considerations are paramount. … Read more

All About Power Pumping!

woman breast pumping

Power pumping! No, it’s not the latest muscle building gym craze. It’s an innovative technique to help nursing mothers maximize their milk output potential by mimicking a baby’s cluster feeding cycle by using the breast pump to help your body produce more milk to meet the new higher demand. This technique can help mothers who … Read more

Supplements To Aid In Sleeping For Children

picture of sleep help pills a mask and an alarm clock

In today’s world of modern medicine, it’s so easy to try to solve just about every problem with a pill, but does that work for children? If your child is having trouble sleeping, especially if they are a young baby or toddler, then there may not be very many options for you to try in … Read more

All About Nipple Shields

newborn nursing baby

Today, we are going to dive head-first, or maybe even chest-first, into the wide world of nipple shields. While they aren’t for everyone, they can definitely help with some issues while helping you to achieve your goals when nursing your infant. We are going to cover some use case scenarios as well as a few … Read more

The Sleep Struggle: Tips For Getting Your Toddler To Fall Asleep Quickly Each Night

father holding sleeping toddler

Toddlers. Many people think that having your child grow from a newborn into a toddler can mean that you will have to deliver less 24/7 hands on attention to them, but they would be wrong. Toddlers, though not necessarily known for their inability to sleep through the night, can have just as troubled a relationship … Read more

Establishing A Back To School Nap Routine

back to school written on a chalk board with school supplies near

Summer is drawing to a close and “back to school” season is upon us. This is actually the perfect time to start optimizing your schedule because it’s about to get busier! As a parent, we understand the challenges of juggling a busy schedule while wanting to provide the best care for our baby. One crucial … Read more

How To Nap A Baby On Summer Holiday Vacation

baby and mommy on plane

Just because you have a small infant or newborn during the summertime doesn’t mean that you can’t still get out there and enjoy the great weather while it lasts. Sure, things will get a little more complicated and you may have more limited options as to your entertainment choices (sorry, they don’t allow infants at … Read more

4 Month Sleep Regression. Tips To Get Through It.

baby and mother sleeping night

It’s bound to happen. Many parents, especially first time parents struggle with sleep regressions in their newborns. It may not happen to every child at the same time, but there are clear patterns of sleep cycling and regression that emerge as the child ages into toddlerhood. The verdict for the child is simple, they are … Read more

Tips To Keep You And Your Newborn Healthy And Away From Germs

hands and germs on a display with a yellow background and various cleaning supplies

When you first learn that your friend or family member has finally brought their newborn home from the hospital, you’re just so happy for them and so excited to snuggle the new member of the family! However, extra visitors are not always welcomed by new parents. Sometimes the time of the year or concerns for … Read more

Summer Sleeping Tips For Baby. Getting Baby To Sleep In The Summer Months

baby sleeping in summer sunglasses

Summertime is such a bittersweet time for new parents or parents with infants. The weather is finally warm and the days are more often than not sunny and bright, however compared to the rest of the year, the sun just doesn’t want to go away when it’s time for baby to go to sleep at … Read more

Setting A Great Nap Schedule For Your Child (From Infant To Toddler)

sleeping toddler nap time

There are so many problems both medically and behaviorally that could be solved if we could just ask our babies a question and they could give us an honest and reasoned response. However, since they can’t (or won’t!) then we have to make do with our best and most educated guess, as their parents. While … Read more

Tips On How To Get Your Baby To Not Hate The Changing Table

woman changing child on changing table

The changing table. An invention that probably dates back to the very first human civilizations, and was most likely created about one day after the first parents threw their backs out from changing their baby on the ground. It really hasn’t changed much in all of these years. Sure, it looks a little different and … Read more

The Truth About Melatonin And Babies

woman sleeping with melatonin in white text on foreground

We have all heard the stereotypes and the jokes about babies not sleeping very well for their first few months and how that basically means that the parents don’t sleep for that time period as well. Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why babies don’t sleep for long periods of time after they are … Read more

Infant Pacifier Usage, Philosophy, & Best Practices

baby lying down with binkie

The pacifier. No, we’re not talking about the critically panned 2005 Vin Diesel film, we’re talking about something much more controversial, divisive, and important: actual pacifiers for babies. They say that if you want to get into an argument with friends or family these days then all you have to do is bring up religion … Read more

How to Safely Use White Noise Machines For Baby

baby sleeping in blue hat

White noise isn’t just for grown ups with tinnitus! It’s actually a great tool to help you get your infant or young child to sleep faster and more soundly. White noise machines are available all over the web and even on our smartphones as apps or YouTube videos, but what white noise product is best … Read more

How long should my 9-10 month old be sleeping at night?

mom and baby sleeping

We all want our babies to sleep regularly and we’re grateful for every minute and hour that they do, but one question remains: how much sleep do they actually need? In today’s article, we’re going to look at the benchmarks and milestones for the duration of sleep that your child should be getting each day. … Read more

Top Tips And Benefits For Spending Time Outside With Your Baby

mom and baby outside blanket

As parents of newborn children, it’s so easy to get caught up in the rhythm of feeding, sleeping, and changing our baby (not to mention tummy time!) that we can easily forget that it’s also good to add some outdoor time to the schedule as well. Yes, it can seem like a lot to handle … Read more

What Does Toddler Sleep Look Like?

toddler sleeping on mom

We talk a lot in our blog about helping your infants and younger babies with their sleep and other challenges but we don’t spend a lot of time talking about how to help toddlers with their sleep. Well today, we’re going to do just that! We know that just because a baby grows up a … Read more

Sleep Deprivation Dangers & Risks For Parents With Newborns & Infants

parents tired need sleep with baby

What is something more valuable than gold yet can’t be held or locked in a vault? If you answered “sleep” then you are correct! Sleep is one of the things in our lives that is so crucial to our day to day function and overall success yet it can’t be bought, sold, or traded and … Read more

Spring Cleaning With A Newborn Or Infant/Toddler. What Can You Do To Help Promote Better Sleep?

woman with baby spring cleaning

Spring is here and it is the perfect time to start getting your house in order for the chaos that is Summer! As do so many things, spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning when you have a small child at home. What are some spring cleaning things that you should be doing differently … Read more

How To Foster A Good Relationship Between Your Baby And Your Dog

puppy and baby sitting

Bringing a baby home from the hospital is stressful enough on its own without having to worry about pets and how they will react. Most dogs are going to be fine with a new member of the household, but there are definitely times when they would not be so okay with it. Many injuries to … Read more

How To Create A Sleep & Nap Routine For Your Baby

sleeping baby in blue

People often associate the stresses of having a child with him or her not sleeping through the night and keeping tired and weary parents up along with them. Many will tell you that is definitely the case, however, most of the time that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Getting your baby to … Read more

What Is A Pediatric Chiropractor? What Benefits Can They Offer?

baby with his doctor

Most of us have heard about chiropractors and you may have even been to one recently, however, did you know that there are many chiropractors that specialize in pediatric patients? Pediatric chiropractor treatment is growing in popularity at an enormous rate these days, mostly due to the profession being more widely accepted in popular culture … Read more

Let’s Talk About Tongue And Lip Tie And How It Can Impact Sleep.

crying baby in bed

If your baby has a tongue tie or lip tie it can impact many areas of your baby’s daily routine. In today’s article, we’re going to explore what these areas typically are and how you can both recognize the signs of a potential lip or tongue tie and how you can get your child on … Read more

New Year, New Sleep Routine. Three Things You Need To Get Started

baby sleeping on back

A lot can change in the New Year. As the holiday season finally and mercifully comes to an end, our entire next year of new beginnings is starting. The new year can bring motivation, change, and exciting adventures! If you have a little baby during this transitional time, then you may want to consider changing … Read more

Crying. A Quick Overview Of The Different Types Of Crying You May Experience With Your Child

mom holding crying baby

Here at The Early Weeks, we are always talking to parents about their hopes and dreams and anxieties about their children. One topic that comes up fairly often is that of crying. Different questions and apprehensions always seem to surface like “how much crying is too much?”, “Is my baby sad when they cry?”, and … Read more

Getting The Most Out Of Your Child’s Tummy Time

baby doing tummy time

Tummy time is a great way to help your child develop strength and important motor skills early and quickly in life. They can have fun and enjoy spending time with you doing fun things or playing with silly toys. However, it’s not always easy as a parent to stay on top of tummy time or … Read more

All About Sleep Sacks. When And How To Use Them

baby and mother

Sleep sacks for babies! No, we’re not going camping, although that sounds really fun right now (can’t wait for summer to come back!), but we are talking about safe, easy, and excellent ways to help your newborn baby get to sleep using these wondrous sleeping contraptions. Sleep sacks and swaddles really are worth their weight … Read more

Should Babies With Reflux Sleep On An Incline?

baby with reflux

If you or someone you know has a baby who has reflux, then you know that the struggle is real. Having a newborn is already challenging enough without the added layer of stress and effort that reflux brings. Don’t worry. Even though it seems hopeless at times, you’re not alone! Many babies and parents have … Read more

Christmas Message Of Self Care And Confidence

Christmas holiday message christmas tree with decorations

The holidays. The phrase is so interesting because it is synonymous with both extreme joy and extreme stress. Getting together with family can be a wonderful occasion, especially when good food and beverages are involved, but it can also be stressful to organize everything in order to make it possible. This is of course on … Read more

With Fall And Winter Weather, What Is The Best Temperature For Your Home/Room For Your Baby To Get Optimal Sleep?

Baby with santa hat sleeping

Whether in the home or the office, the battle over the thermostat for the perfect ambient temperature rages on. Some people run cold and need it set high, while others run hot and need it to be down low to function. It’s hard enough to get a room full of adults to agree on an … Read more

When Should You Allow Your Baby To Sleep On Their Back?

baby sleeping on back

Today we wanted to talk about sleep positions for your baby and specifically about the benefits of sleeping your child on their back. So, when should you allow your baby to sleep on their backs at night and nap time? Well, the fast answer is: always and as often as possible. According to many studies, … Read more

What Is Active Sleep In A Newborn? What To Watch For And What To Do.

baby newborn in crib

We’ve all been there. It’s the dead of night and all is quiet, when all of a sudden you hear strange scraping, flopping, and cooing sounds coming from your baby’s sleeping area. You bolt up in bed! Either the baby is awake again or another racoon got in through the doggy door and is searching … Read more

Top 3 Ways An In-Home Newborn Care Specialist Can Help Your Family

baby sleeping in dark night

There are many ways in which an in-home newborn care specialist can help your family. As the parent of a newborn, there are so many things that need your urgent attention at just about every hour of the day. It’s difficult to get sleep and other pressures like work and finances can just pile on … Read more

How To Keep Your Child On A Good Sleeping Schedule During The Holidays

baby sleeping holiday themed bed

While it is still a little ways from the dreaded “Holiday Season” it can’t hurt to start mentally preparing now. While traveling with your infants and/or toddlers can be a daunting thought and undertaking, it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. There are things that you can start preparing for now in the planning phase … Read more

How Daylight Saving Time May Impact Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule And How You Can Adjust.

alarm clock in pile of fall leaves

While it only happens twice a year, it seems like a jarring experience every time. I’m talking about daylight savings time and how you can help your baby or young child adjust to it without too much kicking and screaming. For most adults, the twice yearly change in time is nothing more than a minor … Read more

How Do I Help My Baby Sleep If They Have Reflux?

baby in mirror held by dad

Reflux is so difficult to deal with as a parent. You want to help them feel better, but it is so difficult to help them stop having reflux in the moment. You just have to be there for them and help get them cleaned up and ride it out with them. Luckily, there are some … Read more

When Should A Baby Transition Out Of A Swaddle?

baby in a swaddle

Swaddles. It’s a funny word, but boy do they work miracles! Swaddles can often be the deciding factor in whether or not your little one will get restful naps and night time sleep on a regular basis. We have seen with our very eyes on many occasions a swaddle take a crying frantic baby and … Read more

How Long Should My Newborn’s Naps Be?

baby sleeping on blanket

It’s almost too easy to get swept up in the chaos after your newborn first arrives. There are so many things going on and as if your life wasn’t busy enough already, you now have a tiny human that needs your constant attention and care pretty much hourly, with little to no break from the … Read more

How Many Naps A Day Should My Infant/Newborn Be Getting In Their First Year?

baby sleeping with puppy

Newborn babies will sleep when they need to and the same can be said for when they need to eat as well. It may seem stressful, but that is just the way it is. It is difficult if not impossible to try to schedule out a certain nap routine for a newborn. The best thing … Read more

What Is Baby Sleep Regression And When Does It Start?

mother and father over newborn baby

Sometimes, taking care of a newborn or infant can seem like you’re playing a high stakes game of Jenga. You can work so hard to build up your tower but in one instant, it can all come crashing down around you. That is exactly what experiencing sleep regression in a baby can feel like. Well, … Read more

What To Look For When Hiring An Overnight Newborn Care Nanny?

night nanny with baby

A night nurse, Newborn Care Specialist, or newborn night nanny is a professional who helps with the overnight care of a newborn baby(ies) within the family’s home, specifically during the first few crucial weeks and months of a baby’s life. This is a profession that requires many areas of expertise, including newborn care, sleep training, … Read more

What To Do When Your Baby Is Having Trouble Sleeping

baby on momma asleep

The first few days, weeks, and even months after your child is born can be chaotic and stressful to say the least. Sleep is so important to both parents and children at this stage, even the smallest amount of sleep deprivation can be tough for everyone in the house! Normal everyday tasks like cooking and … Read more

How Early Can Your Baby Sleep Through The Night?

sleepy mom in bed

Getting your infant to sleep through the night can depend on a lot of factors: your infant’s age and weight among others. Typically, the first three months or so of your newborn’s life will not include sleeping through the night on a consistent basis. This is because during the first few weeks of life, your … Read more

How to get your baby to sleep without being held?

baby sleeping on bed

It’s tough enough to get through the first few days and weeks with a newborn, but it can be especially tough if your newborn can only sleep or be restful when they are in your arms. Sleep is vitally important for both baby and parents during these crucial first few weeks and it’s important that … Read more

Why Is My Baby Not Sleeping Deeply?

baby sleeping on a moon plush

Being a parent of a newborn, the struggle is truly “real” when it comes to getting your little one to sleep. We struggle to get them down to sleep and we struggle to keep them asleep, especially in a deep sleep. When your baby isn’t sleeping deeply each day, that can have negative impacts on … Read more

How To Put Your Baby To Sleep Fast

baby on blanket with stuffed animals

As parents of newborns will know, getting a baby to fall asleep is typically not an issue. Most babies can definitely fall asleep on their own with little encouragement from mom and dad, however the real rub is getting them to fall asleep in any sort of predictable and quick fashion. That’s where we come … Read more

How Can I Get My Newborn To Sleep Longer At Night? 5 Tips For New Parents

sleeping baby

Winning the lottery. Eating a steak prepared by Gordon Ramsay himself. Getting more sleep when you have a newborn at home. Three things that would be wonderful to have happen to you but seem very unlikely. Or are they? No. Mr. Ramsay is very busy right now and we have no lottery strategies, but we … Read more

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Longer Stretches At Night?

baby sleeping in crib night

It’s the dream of every new parent: sleeping more during the night. For some parents, sleeping through the night is nothing but a fond yet distant memory, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We are talking today about some general tips and ideas that you can start implementing today (or tonight!) in order … Read more

How To Make A Baby Sleep At Night Without Feeding

parents asleep on baby crib with baby

Helping your baby sleep at night without feeding is a tough prospect, but definitely not impossible. With a little patience and some tips from the pros, you will be doing so in no time. At best, babies are as unpredictable as they are adorable, so each baby may respond differently to different tactics. All things … Read more

How To Help Calm A Restless Baby To Sleep

mother with crying baby

Getting your baby to sleep can, in the moment, seem like an impossible task, but rest assured it is very possible! We all know what it’s like to have a tired, restless infant that  just doesn’t seem to want to sleep, even when you know they need to! Rest assured, we can help you get … Read more

How To Stay Informed On Recalled Items For Your Child

safety recall document

You will definitely see headlines on major news outlets when a children’s toy or food item has been recalled and is an immediate threat to public safety. Seeing this on the news is scary! However, there are plenty of other recalls that go under the radar, and the reality is that there are almost too … Read more

Tips to Transition Your Baby From 2 Naps to 1 Nap

woman sitting in yoga position with toddler on lap

AKA the 2:1 Nap Transition   Every child eventually needs to transition from a two nap schedule to a one nap schedule. As an adult, it is easy to be envious of a schedule that includes any naps, but transitioning from two to one can be helpful for your baby and will improve your overall … Read more

Coloring Easter Eggs With Your Toddler

easter eggs in basket

Coloring Easter Eggs is fun and easy and a great time for the whole family. If you have toddlers or young children under five then it can be a little more challenging, but we have put together some fun tips for you so you can have fun dyeing eggs together at any age! Coloring Eggs … Read more

How to Help Baby With Colic

Baby with Colic

Colic is one of those newborn baby topics that nearly every new parent on the planet has heard of. Either themselves or their friends or family members have experienced it with their babies. Your pediatrician may have told you “hang in there. Your baby will grow out of it in 3-4 months”. As a new … Read more

How Many Hours Per Day Should Your Child Sleep?

Baby sleeping in crib

As adults, we need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night in order to feel rested and be able to take on the day. But, what about children? Do infants and newborns need more or less sleep than toddlers and young children? The truth is that there is definitely a difference in … Read more

Co-Sleeping: Transitioning A Toddler To Their Own Bed

toddler sleep in bed

So you want your bed back? It’s perfectly normal. Your bed was once a place where you could get a full night’s rest without fear of being kicked in the face by a toddler or having your pillow and blanket stolen by the same. Co-sleeping is a joy, don’t get the wrong idea, but there … Read more

New Year’s Sleep Resolution Guide For New Parents

three babies with party hats on

Sleep. One of the most valuable resources the world over, yet so scarce for new parents and parents of young children. If there was only a magic button we could press that would make us feel rested! Until that day comes, we are on our own to get the rest we need as parents and … Read more

Christmas Tree Decorating, Toddler Edition

toddler decorating christmas tree

The holidays are such a fun time of year, especially if you have a toddler or two at home. In most homes, decorating the Christmas tree is a much looked forward to annual event and may involve multiple Christmas festivities including music, a big dinner, and lots of eggnog!   Although fun and family inclusive, … Read more

Night Terrors Vs Nightmares In Your Young Child

baby crying in mom's arms

As a parent, there is almost no faster way to feel instantly terrified and sad than when your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night from a bad dream. For many children, they may just be experiencing a simple nightmare, but for others, it may be a true night terror and it … Read more

Is your Child Overtired? How to Know if Your Child is Overtired & Preventing Overtiredness in Your Child

crying baby near toys

This time of year it’s easy to miss a few hours of sleep here and there, especially when wrangling the holidays, the in-laws, and especially the little ones. When mom or dad miss a few good nights of sleep, we can be a little cranky or drowsy, but coffee can help with that, yet when … Read more