Spring Cleaning With A Newborn Or Infant/Toddler. What Can You Do To Help Promote Better Sleep?

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Spring is here and it is the perfect time to start getting your house in order for the chaos that is Summer! As do so many things, spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning when you have a small child at home. What are some spring cleaning things that you should be doing differently or in addition to your regular routine? We’ve put together this blog to help give you some insight and inspiration when it comes to spring cleaning this year. 

Give Baby’s Room A Detailed Clean

In the spirit of spring cleaning, it’s a good idea to give your child’s nursery an extra thorough deep cleaning. The nursery is such a high traffic area for both you and family and friends during the first months and years of your child’s life. It would behoove us to give that some extra special attention during spring cleaning to help your child have less exposure to dirt, dust, pollen, and other things that can build up over time unless cleaned. This is also a golden opportunity to make a dedicated space for the baby in the house, if there isn’t one already. 

Out With The Old

Take this opportunity to take an inventory of your child’s clothes and toys. You can box up and donate toys that they didn’t like or may have outgrown and you can make more room for the toys they are into right now. Once you know exactly which clothes fit, you can buy more in that size range if needed to flesh out the stockpile. Speaking of toys, now is a great time to wipe down and lightly sanitize all of your child’s toys!

Organize As You Go

As much as spring cleaning is an opportunity to actually clean and sanitize your living space and items, it is also a great time to get things organized in a better and more streamlined manner. If you want to make sure that your baby sleeps better, it helps to really declutter their sleeping space. Move distracting toys and objects to another designated play area and just keep a few non-stimulating toys or lovies around. Try a play gym like this one. Once the nursery area is organized and cleaned, it will really go a long way to being a more functional space that is conducive to better sleep. That’s a win for everyone!

Finish With The Essentials

Here are some nursery essentials you can stock up on or install as you spring clean this year to help transform your nursery into a supercharged sleeping destination for your little one. 

In Conclusion

Spring cleaning on the best of days is no easy task and it’s up to every parent to decide if that is the right course of action for their family. We hope these tips have helped you along your journey. If you have any questions about helping your baby to sleep better, finding adequate and professional newborn care help, please reach out to us HERE. We are experts in all things baby and sleep and would love to help!

If you have questions about your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to help. Please reach out to us here! We always look forward to hearing from you.

The Early Weeks Contact

The content contained in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice or to replace the advice of any medical professional. It is based on our opinions and experience working with newborns and their families. Other’s opinions may vary. It does not represent the views of any affiliated organizations. The reader understands that the term “Babynurse” is often a word used to describe a newborn caregiver. However, unless otherwise disclosed, we are not licensed nurses in any state. By reading and/or utilizing any information or suggestions contained in this blog, the reader acknowledges that we are not medical professionals and agrees to and waives any claim, known or unknown, past, present or future. This blog may contain affiliate links.
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