5 Tips To Help Prevent Your Baby From Peeing Through Their Diaper At Night

Dealing with nighttime diaper leaks can be no fun for parents and babies alike. This common phenomenon is something that many parents have to deal with, so you’re not alone in this at all! In today’s blog, we wanted to explore this topic again with an eye toward helping you and baby stay dry all … Read more

Happy Holidays From The Early Weeks (And Some Baby Safety Tips!)

Happy Holidays! We wanted to do a holiday themed blog post this year to help celebrate our little ones and how this time of year is so special to them, from day one. So, thank you for reading and for being a part of our community. Outside of our sincerest and most heartfelt holiday wishes, … Read more

How To Get Things Done When You Have A Velcro Baby

    Expertise You Need: Certified Master Pediatric Sleep Consultant Certified Advanced Newborn Care Specialist (2016-2022) Board Certified Holistic Healthcare Practitioner 16 years professional childcare experience Certified Postpartum Doula (2015-2022) Travel & ROTA Nanny Katie has over 16 years experience working with children of all ages. As a Pediatric Sleep Consultant and Newborn Care Specialist, … Read more

Should I Give My Baby A Bottle Before Bedtime?

There has been a lot of talk lately on popular social media platforms about whether or not you should feed your baby just before putting them down for bedtime. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of doing just that. As always, give us a shout out on social or in … Read more

When Do Babies Grow Out Of Needing Contact Naps?

baby in crib no contact nap

As a new parent, one of the most precious yet challenging aspects of early parenthood is ensuring that your child gets enough sleep. A contact nap is a period of sleep in which the child is constantly being held by the parent or caregiver. Contact naps are about the only naps that your child can … Read more

What Is Attachment Parenting And Is It Right For You?

baby and parents

With the rise of social media in our lives, and especially when it comes to parenting advice, it is difficult these days to decipher exactly what is best for you and your child. You may have heard about this unique style of parenting that is gaining a lot of popularity lately both on and off … Read more

3 Tips To Help 3 Month Olds With Short Naps And Early Wakes

three month old sleeping on her back in crib

We know: if your baby doesn’t sleep, you don’t sleep.  And sleep is important for everyone. No new mama wants to answer the question, “how’s he/she sleeping?” unless you’re one of the few parents who have one of those miraculous beings who sleep very well, naturally. The sleep-deprived moms definitely don’t want to hear about … Read more

Do Contact Naps Before 12 Weeks Start Bad Habits?

baby napping with puppy

As a refresher, contact naps refer to the practice of a baby falling asleep while in physical contact with a caregiver, typically by being held, rocked, or even just being in the same room. This can involve the baby sleeping on the chest, arms, or lap of the caregiver, or even just being close enough … Read more

Velcro Babies

baby and mother cheek to cheek

A strange phenomenon that happens for a lot of us is how mothers, while we’re pregnant, explain the agony of labor. It is labor, after all. But what’s not often described is the agony of the first months, the “fourth trimester,” as it’s sometimes known as. For moms who love their babies dearly, but are … Read more

5 Reasons To Use A Sleep Sack

baby sleeping in a sleep sack

Sleep time is crucial for babies as it plays a significant role in their overall growth, development, and well-being. Ensuring that you are providing the safest sleep environment to help support your baby’s growth and development is extremely important. We highly recommend parents use a sleep sack for their baby to support safe and productive … Read more

What To Do If Your Little One Falls Asleep Unexpectedly In The Car

baby sleeping in car in car seat

For a family working on crib sleep and establishing regular nap times, having your child fall asleep in the car can throw a real wrench in all of a parent’s diligent planning. This blog is focused on how to avoid an early nap in the car, what to do to recover if this happens, and … Read more

How Long Should I Wait To Put My Baby Down To Bed After Their Last Feeding?

baby feeding with bottle before nap

Sleeping and eating. Besides being cute and lovable, those are an infant’s primary occupations. As parents, we have to be on top of ensuring that they get enough sleep and food each day and to optimize the benefit of both, it helps to be able to time everything out correctly. If you feed too close … Read more

Rules For Visiting A Baby Every Parent Should Know

grandparents holding baby and reading to it

When your newborn finally arrives, it’s such a magical and special moment. Your family has a new member! You want to shout it from the rooftops or these days, post it on social media. It’s time to have everybody come and visit and hold and give lots of love to your new bundle of joy, … Read more

At What Age Should A Baby Have A Bedtime?

teddy bear tucked into a bed

Sleep. When it comes to a newborn or infant, it can be both a valuable asset and a fond memory for a time long ago when you could go to sleep when you wanted and wake up when you felt like it. Cherish those memories. Hold them dear. Speaking of making your own bedtimes, it … Read more

Holidays With A Newborn: Tips On How To Have Fun, Stay Safe, And Get Some Sleep

cute smiling baby dressed for christmas holiday

Traveling with kids of any age can be a daunting endeavor, but traveling with a newborn or young baby is an Olympic level undertaking to say the least. Yes, the easiest thing to do would be to avoid traveling all together, until the kids are 18 and ready to pick their college, but that isn’t … Read more

Tips To Keep You And Your Newborn Healthy And Away From Germs

hands and germs on a display with a yellow background and various cleaning supplies

When you first learn that your friend or family member has finally brought their newborn home from the hospital, you’re just so happy for them and so excited to snuggle the new member of the family! However, extra visitors are not always welcomed by new parents. Sometimes the time of the year or concerns for … Read more

Setting A Great Nap Schedule For Your Child (From Infant To Toddler)

sleeping toddler nap time

There are so many problems both medically and behaviorally that could be solved if we could just ask our babies a question and they could give us an honest and reasoned response. However, since they can’t (or won’t!) then we have to make do with our best and most educated guess, as their parents. While … Read more

How to Safely Use White Noise Machines For Baby

baby sleeping in blue hat

White noise isn’t just for grown ups with tinnitus! It’s actually a great tool to help you get your infant or young child to sleep faster and more soundly. White noise machines are available all over the web and even on our smartphones as apps or YouTube videos, but what white noise product is best … Read more

How To Create A Sleep & Nap Routine For Your Baby

sleeping baby in blue

People often associate the stresses of having a child with him or her not sleeping through the night and keeping tired and weary parents up along with them. Many will tell you that is definitely the case, however, most of the time that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Getting your baby to … Read more

How Daylight Saving Time May Impact Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule And How You Can Adjust.

alarm clock in pile of fall leaves

While it only happens twice a year, it seems like a jarring experience every time. I’m talking about daylight savings time and how you can help your baby or young child adjust to it without too much kicking and screaming. For most adults, the twice yearly change in time is nothing more than a minor … Read more

How Can I Get My Newborn To Sleep Longer At Night? 5 Tips For New Parents

sleeping baby

Winning the lottery. Eating a steak prepared by Gordon Ramsay himself. Getting more sleep when you have a newborn at home. Three things that would be wonderful to have happen to you but seem very unlikely. Or are they? No. Mr. Ramsay is very busy right now and we have no lottery strategies, but we … Read more

How To Get Your Baby To Sleep Longer Stretches At Night?

baby sleeping in crib night

It’s the dream of every new parent: sleeping more during the night. For some parents, sleeping through the night is nothing but a fond yet distant memory, but it doesn’t have to be that way! We are talking today about some general tips and ideas that you can start implementing today (or tonight!) in order … Read more

How To Help Calm A Restless Baby To Sleep

mother with crying baby

Getting your baby to sleep can, in the moment, seem like an impossible task, but rest assured it is very possible! We all know what it’s like to have a tired, restless infant that  just doesn’t seem to want to sleep, even when you know they need to! Rest assured, we can help you get … Read more

How Many Hours Per Day Should Your Child Sleep?

Baby sleeping in crib

As adults, we need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night in order to feel rested and be able to take on the day. But, what about children? Do infants and newborns need more or less sleep than toddlers and young children? The truth is that there is definitely a difference in … Read more

Christmas Tree Decorating, Toddler Edition

toddler decorating christmas tree

The holidays are such a fun time of year, especially if you have a toddler or two at home. In most homes, decorating the Christmas tree is a much looked forward to annual event and may involve multiple Christmas festivities including music, a big dinner, and lots of eggnog!   Although fun and family inclusive, … Read more

Is your Child Overtired? How to Know if Your Child is Overtired & Preventing Overtiredness in Your Child

crying baby near toys

This time of year it’s easy to miss a few hours of sleep here and there, especially when wrangling the holidays, the in-laws, and especially the little ones. When mom or dad miss a few good nights of sleep, we can be a little cranky or drowsy, but coffee can help with that, yet when … Read more

Why An Earache Can Derail Your Child’s Sleep

Mom holding baby while Doctor inspects ear

Ear infections are no fun for both parent and child. They are unfortunately rather common as nearly five out of every six children will have one before the age of three in the U.S. according to the NIH. An earache can have many causes, which include cold and flu viruses, and bacterial infections among others. … Read more

All About Tummy Time For You And Your Newborn

Baby In Tummy Time Crawling

Tummy time is an important activity for you and your baby and can lead to many health benefits like developing early motor skills, muscle strength and endurance, and so much more. It is a great time to both bond with your little one and to help them experience something slightly different albeit challenging in their … Read more

Co-Parenting: Why Both Parents Need to Participate

Two new parents with their baby

If you’re a new or expectant new parent, the topic of this post may seem a little baffling. You may be wondering, “why would both primary caregivers / parents not be caring for their newborn”? The reality is that the scenarios below happen fairly regularly.   Bringing Up Baby Surprisingly, it is relatively common for … Read more