What Is Attachment Parenting And Is It Right For You?

baby and parents

With the rise of social media in our lives, and especially when it comes to parenting advice, it is difficult these days to decipher exactly what is best for you and your child. You may have heard about this unique style of parenting that is gaining a lot of popularity lately both on and off … Read more

3 Tips To Help 3 Month Olds With Short Naps And Early Wakes

three month old sleeping on her back in crib

We know: if your baby doesn’t sleep, you don’t sleep.  And sleep is important for everyone. No new mama wants to answer the question, “how’s he/she sleeping?” unless you’re one of the few parents who have one of those miraculous beings who sleep very well, naturally. The sleep-deprived moms definitely don’t want to hear about … Read more

Tips To Help Your Newborn Sleep More Than 30 Minutes On Their Own

newborn sleeping on own

Many of us hear about the horrors of labor. The pain, the pushing, the possibly pooing ourselves in front of practical strangers. But, we don’t always hear about afterwards: learning to breastfeed, getting babies through potential bouts of jaundice, the exhaustion, the vaginal pain, or the pain after the C-section, the hemorrhoids. And mostly: the … Read more

Do Contact Naps Before 12 Weeks Start Bad Habits?

baby napping with puppy

As a refresher, contact naps refer to the practice of a baby falling asleep while in physical contact with a caregiver, typically by being held, rocked, or even just being in the same room. This can involve the baby sleeping on the chest, arms, or lap of the caregiver, or even just being close enough … Read more

5 Reasons To Use A Sleep Sack

baby sleeping in a sleep sack

Sleep time is crucial for babies as it plays a significant role in their overall growth, development, and well-being. Ensuring that you are providing the safest sleep environment to help support your baby’s growth and development is extremely important. We highly recommend parents use a sleep sack for their baby to support safe and productive … Read more

Is It Ok For A Baby To Poop Every 3+ Days?

mother changing baby at changing table

Newborns are just like adults except smaller and everything is different. All joking aside, there are some very specific things that you should be paying attention to in your newborn as a new parent or parent of a newborn. Aside from how often they eat and sleep, it’s vitally important to be paying attention to … Read more

Tips To Keep You And Your Newborn Healthy And Away From Germs

hands and germs on a display with a yellow background and various cleaning supplies

When you first learn that your friend or family member has finally brought their newborn home from the hospital, you’re just so happy for them and so excited to snuggle the new member of the family! However, extra visitors are not always welcomed by new parents. Sometimes the time of the year or concerns for … Read more

Setting A Great Nap Schedule For Your Child (From Infant To Toddler)

sleeping toddler nap time

There are so many problems both medically and behaviorally that could be solved if we could just ask our babies a question and they could give us an honest and reasoned response. However, since they can’t (or won’t!) then we have to make do with our best and most educated guess, as their parents. While … Read more

When Should You Allow Your Baby To Sleep On Their Back?

baby sleeping on back

Today we wanted to talk about sleep positions for your baby and specifically about the benefits of sleeping your child on their back. So, when should you allow your baby to sleep on their backs at night and nap time? Well, the fast answer is: always and as often as possible. According to many studies, … Read more

How Daylight Saving Time May Impact Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule And How You Can Adjust.

alarm clock in pile of fall leaves

While it only happens twice a year, it seems like a jarring experience every time. I’m talking about daylight savings time and how you can help your baby or young child adjust to it without too much kicking and screaming. For most adults, the twice yearly change in time is nothing more than a minor … Read more

How Many Naps A Day Should My Infant/Newborn Be Getting In Their First Year?

baby sleeping with puppy

Newborn babies will sleep when they need to and the same can be said for when they need to eat as well. It may seem stressful, but that is just the way it is. It is difficult if not impossible to try to schedule out a certain nap routine for a newborn. The best thing … Read more

What To Do When Your Baby Is Having Trouble Sleeping

baby on momma asleep

The first few days, weeks, and even months after your child is born can be chaotic and stressful to say the least. Sleep is so important to both parents and children at this stage, even the smallest amount of sleep deprivation can be tough for everyone in the house! Normal everyday tasks like cooking and … Read more

How to get your baby to sleep without being held?

baby sleeping on bed

It’s tough enough to get through the first few days and weeks with a newborn, but it can be especially tough if your newborn can only sleep or be restful when they are in your arms. Sleep is vitally important for both baby and parents during these crucial first few weeks and it’s important that … Read more

Lip Tie In Infants. What You Should Know

mother feeding baby

Lip ties. It is something that many parents may not be aware of when their baby is born, but in some cases it can have a significant impact on your child’s first years of life. In short, a lip tie is when the little piece of skin that helps to anchor the upper lip to … Read more

What Is A Postpartum Doula?

Katie Bishop Pediatric Sleep Consultant

With pregnancy comes many challenges and with birth and caring for a newborn come many more. Some people opt to hire a birth doula to help guide them through the time just before and during childbirth. The doula will help you with many of the questions you may have before the birth and will be … Read more

Why An Earache Can Derail Your Child’s Sleep

Mom holding baby while Doctor inspects ear

Ear infections are no fun for both parent and child. They are unfortunately rather common as nearly five out of every six children will have one before the age of three in the U.S. according to the NIH. An earache can have many causes, which include cold and flu viruses, and bacterial infections among others. … Read more

Q & A with the Boise Baby Nurse #1

"questions" green sticky note

Q & A with the Boise Baby Nurse #1 *Disclamer* Baby nurse is a term commonly used for someone that cares for infants. I am not a licensed registered nurse in Idaho (RN) and am not claiming to be one.  When you work exclusively with newborns, as I do, there are a lot of scenarios … Read more