How long should my 9-10 month old be sleeping at night?

mom and baby sleeping

We all want our babies to sleep regularly and we’re grateful for every minute and hour that they do, but one question remains: how much sleep do they actually need? In today’s article, we’re going to look at the benchmarks and milestones for the duration of sleep that your child should be getting each day. … Read more

Coloring Easter Eggs With Your Toddler

easter eggs in basket

Coloring Easter Eggs is fun and easy and a great time for the whole family. If you have toddlers or young children under five then it can be a little more challenging, but we have put together some fun tips for you so you can have fun dyeing eggs together at any age! Coloring Eggs … Read more

Fun, Quick, Easy, And Low Cost Arts And Crafts For Young Children

baby's hand painting on paper

Arts and crafts. They are so much more than a way to entertain and have fun with your little ones. They help your child develop critical thinking and creative expression skills at a much faster rate and can even help them academically and intellectually. There really is only one downside to doing arts and crafts … Read more

Christmas Tree Decorating, Toddler Edition

toddler decorating christmas tree

The holidays are such a fun time of year, especially if you have a toddler or two at home. In most homes, decorating the Christmas tree is a much looked forward to annual event and may involve multiple Christmas festivities including music, a big dinner, and lots of eggnog!   Although fun and family inclusive, … Read more

Activities For A 4-Month Old Baby 

4-month old play date

Recently, a client wanted to know some good activity options for her 4-month old. Her baby had recently transitioned to a different schedule, which allowed for a bigger chunk of awake time. With this new found time on their hands, mom needed some ideas to help change things up and keep her little one from … Read more