Tips To Help Your Newborn Sleep More Than 30 Minutes On Their Own

newborn sleeping on own

Many of us hear about the horrors of labor. The pain, the pushing, the possibly pooing ourselves in front of practical strangers. But, we don’t always hear about afterwards: learning to breastfeed, getting babies through potential bouts of jaundice, the exhaustion, the vaginal pain, or the pain after the C-section, the hemorrhoids. And mostly: the … Read more

Sleep Needs Based On Age

woman holding newborn trying to help it sleep at night

Babies and toddlers change and develop at such a rapid pace. This means two things: They need a good amount of sleep. Their sleep patterns and needs change rapidly as well. As a parent, you’re likely no stranger to the ever-evolving sleep patterns of babies and toddlers. Just when you think you’ve cracked the code … Read more

Here Is Why Your Baby Is Waking Every 1-2 Hours At Night

baby waking up in crib

Good rest is very important to babies and caregivers alike. While the number one recommendation for new parents is to get enough rest, the number one thing new parents have trouble with is exactly that. Balancing the need for rest with the needs of a baby can seem like an impossible juggling act. This blog … Read more

How to Calm a Crying Newborn in Four Steps

mother holding baby who is crying

One of the biggest challenges parents face can be calming and soothing a crying newborn. Undoubtedly everyone will have suggestions for how to soothe your baby. While there is no one quick answer, there are a few techniques to keep in mind that can help ease your infant. Here is what our team recommends to … Read more

LO Waking Out Of Habit Or Hunger?

It’s the middle of the night and your baby is crying. Determining whether your baby is waking up out of habit or hunger can be challenging, especially when drowsy yourself! Understanding their sleep patterns and needs can help you make an informed decision. Here are some tips to help you distinguish between habitual vs. hunger-driven … Read more

5 Mistakes That Ruin Baby’s Sleep

newborn baby sleeping peacefully in crib

Sleep. Precious, precious sleep. We want our babies to sleep because it helps them grow and stay healthy and for so many other reasons, but it also helps that the more they sleep the more we (parents) get to sleep. In today’s article, we’re going to help you and your baby with just that: getting … Read more

Are Short Naps Bad For Babies?

baby dressed in santa costume grumpy

As a parent of a newborn, you’re definitely grateful for any amount of time that your baby is sleeping, however, when your child is sleeping restlessly or sleeping for only 30 to 45 minutes at a time between wake windows, then there may be another issue at hand. Short naps are very common during the … Read more

Optimizing Sleep On Cold Nights

Baby bundled up in the snow

As the nights get longer and colder each year, it’s especially important to take steps to help keep your baby warm and comfortable through the night. This will help with your sanity as well as with the baby’s comfort and overall quality of life! If you’re a parent with a newborn during the fall and … Read more

Are Weighted Sleep Sacks A Good Choice For My Baby?

swaddled baby sleeping

Weighted sleep sacks for babies are a topic of some debate among experts. Weighted blankets and products have gained popularity for their potential to provide a sense of comfort and relaxation, particularly for individuals with sensory processing disorders or anxiety. However, when it comes to using weighted sleep sacks for babies, safety considerations are paramount. … Read more

Supplements To Aid In Sleeping For Children

picture of sleep help pills a mask and an alarm clock

In today’s world of modern medicine, it’s so easy to try to solve just about every problem with a pill, but does that work for children? If your child is having trouble sleeping, especially if they are a young baby or toddler, then there may not be very many options for you to try in … Read more

The Sleep Struggle: Tips For Getting Your Toddler To Fall Asleep Quickly Each Night

father holding sleeping toddler

Toddlers. Many people think that having your child grow from a newborn into a toddler can mean that you will have to deliver less 24/7 hands on attention to them, but they would be wrong. Toddlers, though not necessarily known for their inability to sleep through the night, can have just as troubled a relationship … Read more

How To Nap A Baby On Summer Holiday Vacation

baby and mommy on plane

Just because you have a small infant or newborn during the summertime doesn’t mean that you can’t still get out there and enjoy the great weather while it lasts. Sure, things will get a little more complicated and you may have more limited options as to your entertainment choices (sorry, they don’t allow infants at … Read more

4 Month Sleep Regression. Tips To Get Through It.

baby and mother sleeping night

It’s bound to happen. Many parents, especially first time parents struggle with sleep regressions in their newborns. It may not happen to every child at the same time, but there are clear patterns of sleep cycling and regression that emerge as the child ages into toddlerhood. The verdict for the child is simple, they are … Read more

Sleep Deprivation Dangers & Risks For Parents With Newborns & Infants

parents tired need sleep with baby

What is something more valuable than gold yet can’t be held or locked in a vault? If you answered “sleep” then you are correct! Sleep is one of the things in our lives that is so crucial to our day to day function and overall success yet it can’t be bought, sold, or traded and … Read more

How To Create A Sleep & Nap Routine For Your Baby

sleeping baby in blue

People often associate the stresses of having a child with him or her not sleeping through the night and keeping tired and weary parents up along with them. Many will tell you that is definitely the case, however, most of the time that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Getting your baby to … Read more

Let’s Talk About Tongue And Lip Tie And How It Can Impact Sleep.

crying baby in bed

If your baby has a tongue tie or lip tie it can impact many areas of your baby’s daily routine. In today’s article, we’re going to explore what these areas typically are and how you can both recognize the signs of a potential lip or tongue tie and how you can get your child on … Read more

All About Sleep Sacks. When And How To Use Them

baby and mother

Sleep sacks for babies! No, we’re not going camping, although that sounds really fun right now (can’t wait for summer to come back!), but we are talking about safe, easy, and excellent ways to help your newborn baby get to sleep using these wondrous sleeping contraptions. Sleep sacks and swaddles really are worth their weight … Read more

With Fall And Winter Weather, What Is The Best Temperature For Your Home/Room For Your Baby To Get Optimal Sleep?

Baby with santa hat sleeping

Whether in the home or the office, the battle over the thermostat for the perfect ambient temperature rages on. Some people run cold and need it set high, while others run hot and need it to be down low to function. It’s hard enough to get a room full of adults to agree on an … Read more

How Early Can Your Baby Sleep Through The Night?

sleepy mom in bed

Getting your infant to sleep through the night can depend on a lot of factors: your infant’s age and weight among others. Typically, the first three months or so of your newborn’s life will not include sleeping through the night on a consistent basis. This is because during the first few weeks of life, your … Read more

How To Put Your Baby To Sleep Fast

baby on blanket with stuffed animals

As parents of newborns will know, getting a baby to fall asleep is typically not an issue. Most babies can definitely fall asleep on their own with little encouragement from mom and dad, however the real rub is getting them to fall asleep in any sort of predictable and quick fashion. That’s where we come … Read more

How Can I Get My Newborn To Sleep Longer At Night? 5 Tips For New Parents

sleeping baby

Winning the lottery. Eating a steak prepared by Gordon Ramsay himself. Getting more sleep when you have a newborn at home. Three things that would be wonderful to have happen to you but seem very unlikely. Or are they? No. Mr. Ramsay is very busy right now and we have no lottery strategies, but we … Read more

How To Make A Baby Sleep At Night Without Feeding

parents asleep on baby crib with baby

Helping your baby sleep at night without feeding is a tough prospect, but definitely not impossible. With a little patience and some tips from the pros, you will be doing so in no time. At best, babies are as unpredictable as they are adorable, so each baby may respond differently to different tactics. All things … Read more

How To Help Calm A Restless Baby To Sleep

mother with crying baby

Getting your baby to sleep can, in the moment, seem like an impossible task, but rest assured it is very possible! We all know what it’s like to have a tired, restless infant that  just doesn’t seem to want to sleep, even when you know they need to! Rest assured, we can help you get … Read more

New Year’s Sleep Resolution Guide For New Parents

three babies with party hats on

Sleep. One of the most valuable resources the world over, yet so scarce for new parents and parents of young children. If there was only a magic button we could press that would make us feel rested! Until that day comes, we are on our own to get the rest we need as parents and … Read more

Night Terrors Vs Nightmares In Your Young Child

baby crying in mom's arms

As a parent, there is almost no faster way to feel instantly terrified and sad than when your child wakes up screaming in the middle of the night from a bad dream. For many children, they may just be experiencing a simple nightmare, but for others, it may be a true night terror and it … Read more

Why An Earache Can Derail Your Child’s Sleep

Mom holding baby while Doctor inspects ear

Ear infections are no fun for both parent and child. They are unfortunately rather common as nearly five out of every six children will have one before the age of three in the U.S. according to the NIH. An earache can have many causes, which include cold and flu viruses, and bacterial infections among others. … Read more

Tips For Surviving Thanksgiving With A Newborn

baby asleep in tub holiday decorations around

Even at the best of times, Thanksgiving is an overwhelming and stressful time. These days, it can be even more so, especially with a newborn infant in tow. Luckily, we have come up with a few time honored expert tips and strategies that you can use to help you and your partner navigate this holiday … Read more

Co-Parenting: Why Both Parents Need to Participate

Two new parents with their baby

If you’re a new or expectant new parent, the topic of this post may seem a little baffling. You may be wondering, “why would both primary caregivers / parents not be caring for their newborn”? The reality is that the scenarios below happen fairly regularly.   Bringing Up Baby Surprisingly, it is relatively common for … Read more

Cat Naps

newborn baby in crib

  What exactly is a cat-nap? Cat naps are short naps, typically between 30-45 minutes.   Why does my baby catnap? There are several reasons:  First, When your baby is a newborn, their sleep is very immature. There is a natural tendency for them to only sleep for 1 sleep cycle (30-45 minutes), vs connecting … Read more

How To Feed Your Newborn

Newborn baby breastfeeding

TRUE or FALSE?? Babies less than 2 weeks old can get full feeds and go three hours between feeds. TRUE! Once mom’s milk has come in, usually by day 5 postpartum, a newborn can and absolutely should be able to transfer what they need to make a 2.5-3 hour time stretch. 2 hours is on … Read more

Swaddling In The Early Days & Weeks

A few days ago, I received a call from a new dad. It was late at night and he and his wife were struggling with their 5 day old baby. Neither of them were getting more than 20-30 minutes of sleep at a time and neither was their newborn baby. “We don’t know if he’s … Read more

When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

When Should You Stop Swaddling Your Baby? If you are reading this, chances are you are a new parent and trying to understand what is the right age to stop swaddling your baby. I’m glad you are here, because there is a lot of information out there on Google Land, in parenting groups or safe … Read more