How To Feed Your Newborn

Newborn baby breastfeeding

TRUE or FALSE?? Babies less than 2 weeks old can get full feeds and go three hours between feeds. TRUE! Once mom’s milk has come in, usually by day 5 postpartum, a newborn can and absolutely should be able to transfer what they need to make a 2.5-3 hour time stretch. 2 hours is on … Read more

14 Signs Baby Has A Tongue Tie

Baby tongue tie

I am so happy to have the opportunity to do this guest post from Melanie Henstrom IBCLC, BS. I have known Melanie for several years now and have learned a tremendous amount from her about tongue and lip ties. I see tongue and lip ties in a VERY HIGH percentage of my sleep and consulting … Read more


newborn baby preparing for sleep

In honor of world breastfeeding week I wanted to do a quick post for all you mamas out there currently expecting or already breastfeeding your tiny humans. The journey for every diad or triad (#twins) to breastfeed is different. Some struggle tremendously and others take to it right away. Wherever you’re at, here are a few … Read more